Maximise your reach and engagement with Newsletter | Oak Engage
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Maximise your reach and engagement with Newsletter

Oak's Newsletter maximises reach and engagement providing a user-friendly way to create, distribute content and engage employees.

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Oak Engage's curated content features

Tailored to each employee

Automatically generated

Increases effectiveness and visibility
Oak Engage's Newsletter feature

Streamline your Newsletter

Oak's Newsletter provides a simple way for internal communication professionals to effortlessly send engaging content. An automatically generated roundup of news saves you time, and means creating a professional-looking newsletter has never been easier.

Increase engagement with personalised content

With Oak's personalised content feature, you can tailor newsletters to specific audience groups. Increase engagement by delivering content that's relevant and meaningful to each individual employee.

Oak Engage's news roundup feature and trending content
Oak Engage's content analytics

Track your Newsletter performance

Oak's analytics provide detailed insights into your Newsletter's performance, including open and click-through rates. This enables you to refine your communications strategy based on what resonates best with your audience.

"Oak's Newsletter feature makes it easier for your people to get the latest news, straight to their inbox. It means comms aren’t getting lost and it cuts through the noise, increasing engagement. With personalised content and detailed analytics, it's never been easier to deliver targeted and meaningful communications."

See how Oak can work for you

A better way to mobilise, motivate & engage your people.

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