Measure the success of your communications strategy with Oak's analytics | Oak Engage
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Actionable insights to refine your strategy

Measure success through real-time data, leveraging insights to increase engagement and understand what genuinely matters to your audience.

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Oak Engage Analytics Various Oak Engage analytics modules showing graphs which are accessible within Oak Content Created by TypeNews807034HomepageBlogUnique Views Over TimeTop ContributorsRob SmithKaty JonesLucas JamesClaudia HarrisOthersPopular times last 30 daysTotal Logins86%(18,968)Unique Views Last 30 Days206+12% increaseTotal Content Views3,201

Data-driven decisions

Segment different audiences

Understand your employees
Oak Engage's analytics dashbaord

Increase employee engagement

Our dashboard breaks down engagement metrics into actionable insights, including the total number of users, the percentage of those logged in and interaction rates with different types of content. We enable you to segment your audience, understand various engagement trends and tailor your communication efforts to maximise reach and impact. Celebrate your top contributors by showcasing their work and use these insights to encourage participation across your organisation.

Create content that resonates

Track how your employees consume content across your organisation. Oak’s content reports not only show the volume of content being consumed but also highlights the percentage increase or decrease over time, giving you a clearer picture of content performance. This will enable you to understand what drove an increase in engagement and how to replicate success in future content strategies.

Oak engage's analytics search view
Oak Engage's in depth search analytics

Understand your employees

Understanding what your employees are searching for is crucial in crafting relevant and engaging content. Our dashboard provides a real-time feed of popular searches within your organisation, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve in addressing your team’s needs and interests. You can also track at what times your intranet is most active. By analysing these trends, you can adjust your content strategy to ensure it aligns with the current interests and questions of your workforce, leading to a more informed and engaged community.

"Accurately measuring success is crucial to any business strategy. Oak's analytics provide internal communication professionals with the tools they need to measure the success of their communications strategy, demonstrate the value of their messaging, and align their communications strategy based on what resonates with their audience."

See how Oak can work for you

If you like what you see, we offer a free and personalised demo service, showcasing our intuitive and easy-to-use platform. Tailored to meet your specific needs.

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