Creating safe, authoritative and inclusive conversations | Oak Engage
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Conversation management

Creating safe, authoritative and inclusive conversations

As the workplace becomes increasingly digital, it's important to provide tools that ensure every user feels safe and included, no matter where they are. Oak's platform offers a variety of features that help cultivate a positive and productive digital workspace.

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Maintain professional standards though language and reporting options

Cultivate safe spaces in your digital workplace

Prevent misinformation and quickly provide employees with credible information

Empower your employees with safe spaces

Internal Communication teams can rest easy knowing that every employee has access to a safe and inclusive digital space. With Oak, users can highlight or report inappropriate content, ensuring that any potential issues can be quickly addressed.

Maintain professional standards with language filters

Communication can vary widely among individuals, and it's important to maintain a level of professionalism in the workplace. Oak's built-in profanity filter automatically censors certain words and phrases, helping to maintain professional language throughout your digital space. Users can also flag inappropriate comments for review, further ensuring that your platform remains a safe and welcoming space for all.

Stay on track with conversation controls

Admin users can manage who can contribute to conversations, ensuring that specific messaging stays concise and relevant. Feedback on controversial topics can be kept out of the comment stream and managed one-to-one or in group meetings, helping to maintain a respectful and inclusive workplace. These controls enable you to manage your communications more effectively and stay on track with your objectives.

Identify answers quickly with expert comments

Top performing content can generate a lot of questions, and it's important to be able to identify the right answers quickly. With Oak's expert comments feature, admin users and content creators can highlight comments from experts, ensuring that the authority of the information is clear to everyone. This feature helps prevent the spread of misinformation and enables you to provide credible and reliable information to your audience.

“Aside from the excellent service we have received throughout the entire process, the platform is highly versatile, has received many enhancements in recent years and continues to develop. We want to deliver the very best to our people and this gave us confidence when choosing Oak. As a platform and service, they continue to improve to meet the needs of their clients in order to create the best experience possible for end users.”

Transform how you work and communicate

We offer a free and personalised demo service, showcasing our intuitive and easy-to-use platform.

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