New Starter Q & A - Richard Frost
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New Starter Q & A - Richard Frost

This month we have another addition to Oak for you to get to know, Richard Frost. Richard (formally known as Frostie), has joined Oak as the Business Development Manager working on the Sales Team. 

Headshot of Richard Frost, Business Development Manager at Oak.

What will your role be at Oak? 

I’ve joined Oak as the new Business Development Manager working on the sales team. I was originally part of the Marketing team in lead generation but have since moved into a sales closing role.

How are you settling in to your new role? 

I absolutely love it. Everyone is so nice and welcoming especially with working remotely.

What are you most looking forward to while working at Oak? 

Being able to work closely with the Sales team and have an input into the development of Oak. I’m also looking forward to developing my own sales skills going further whilst incorporating techniques I’ve learnt from my own past experiences.

How are you finding working from home? 

It’s fantastic. My baby girl is now 3 months old and I love the time I get to spend with her during the day, especially considering this isn’t something I would get being in the office. (It also allows me to have a lie in!)

Do you have an interesting fact you could share with us? 

I’m half Kenyan. My mum’s family fled Germany during WW1 and settled up in Kenya until the 1970’s when they had to leave. Other facts about me is that I don’t believe in star signs and I don’t like Forrest Gump!

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